Polywall ICF

polywall ICF
polywall ICF

Three types of Polywall forms for Walls:

Insulating Concrete Forms systems provide a fast, strong, economical and environmentally-friendly method of building multi-level houses, retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, or any other structure that requires strong, reinforced concrete walls. 
An ICF structure consists of expanded polystyrene panels and reinforced concrete. Polywall® is erected onsite, and can be filled with concrete to a height of three metres in a single pour when used with the correct bracing and pouring techniques. 
Polywal ICF
Polywall ICF
polywall ICF

Polywall Insulated Concrete Floors is a great alternative to conventional solid concrete floors and deck applications in homes, townhouses and apartment buildings. The Polywall ICF Insulated Concrete Formwork system is a lightweight, stay-in-place form made of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) and used to construct site-cast or precast concrete floors, roofs, decks, and walls for commercial, industrial and residential applications. Polywall ICF provides structural strength through reinforced concrete and superior insulation through the use of EPS. 

polywall floors

The benefits of building with Polywall® are:

  • Structural strength 
  • High thermal efficiency
  • Low sound transfer through walls 
  • High fire resistance  
  • Economical 
  • Environmentally-friendly 

Victorian apartment Building with Polywall

polywall ICF
polywall ICF
polywall ICF
polywall ICF
polywall ICF
polywall ICF
polywall ICF
polywall ICF
polywall ICF
polywall ICF
polywall ICF

polywall Pool

polywall ICF pool
polywall ICF pool
polywall ICF pool curve

insulbrick ICFs products

Products and benefits of the Insulbrick company https://insulbrick.com.au/insulbrick/products/

Polywall ICF australian projects

Project in every state can be view here  https://insulbrick.com.au/insulbrick/projects/


Polywall ICF – Walls and Floors spec, manuals and installation procedure and so the Insulbrick ICFs products including Fire tests and certifications will be provided on request.     contact@housekonsept.com.au